Trump Campaign Has Been Anonymously Donating Meals To Hospitals Across The Country According To Fox News

From Mark Sidney at Illicit Info OPINION Blog

While Joe Biden has been telling Trump he must stop campaigning and focus on the current crisis, Fox News is reporting that the President’s campaign has been putting their money where their mouth is, and not telling anyone about it either.

Now, I want to be clear that this is just a report and we do not know for sure if the reports are in fact accurate, but if they are, this is some encouraging news, a beacon of light in these troubled times.

Fox News reported:


‘The Trump campaign has been donating meals to hospitals across the country to feed doctors, nurses and first responders on the front lines of the coronavirus battle, Fox News has learned.

Since last Thursday, President Trump’s reelection campaign has been calling up local restaurants and ordering large amounts of food to be delivered to more than a dozen hospitals in New York, New Jersey, Washington state and Michigan. The campaign has been placing these orders anonymously, but Fox News learned about the effort — and sources confirmed it.


One source told Fox News that the campaign was looking to not only express gratitude for first responders treating patients with COVID-19, but to support local restaurants.

“They’re doing it as a donor who cares,” one source told Fox News. “So nothing politically is tied to it. … We’re just trying to, you know, show a thank you.”


“They’re trying to send things that are like, local restaurants that may need support [and] cool restaurant icons of the area that may need the business,” one source said.

The source told Fox News that the campaign has already spent tens of thousands of dollars on the effort, which they plan to expand in the coming days and weeks.


Fox News confirmed that as part of the donations, an anonymous individual placed a large order at Giovanni’s Italian Deli in Secaucus, N.J., to be delivered to Hudson Regional Hospital.

“They only told us their first name,” an employee of Giovanni’s told Fox News on Thursday. “They called us, and they had us donate meals for the nurses and doctors — an assortment of things, 40 platters of pasta, salads, sandwiches.”’ Read More At Fox News


It’s good to know there are still people out there who care.


For more information about COVID-19 click here.

This article originally appeared at  Illicit Info OPINION Blog and was republished with permission.

*This article may not be reprinted without expressed permission from Illicit Info.

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