BREAKING VIDEO: Las Vegas Mayor Switches from Democrat to Republican Citing “Socialist Takeover” of Democrat Party, “Working Class Not a Part of the Conversation Anymore”

By Ulysses S. Tennyson at 100 Percent FED Up

“In the Democrat party in Nevada,” North Las Vegas mayor said, “4 of the 5” recently ‘elected’ officials in Nevada are card-carrying socialists, that is why he has officially switched parties from Democrat to Republican.



“The working class… and also the small business owners are not a part of the [Democrat] conversation anymore.  It is all has to do with the elitists and it has to do with the socialists.  That is not the agenda that I have in mind for this country for the future…We are not for expanding the government to even bigger and more intrusive” levels in our lives, said the North Las Vegas Mayor.


Fox 5 Reports:

“LAS VEGAS (FOX5) — North Las Vegas Mayor John Lee announced Tuesday morning that he is switching political parties.

Lee made the announcement on ‘Fox and Friends’ early Tuesday. Lee’s campaign claims he’s the most prominent Democratic elected official to switch parties since President Joe Biden’s inauguration.

Lee cited recent leadership changes within the Nevada Democratic Party, calling it a “Socialist takeover.” Lee’s campaign website now reflects the switch.

“Though I’ve been a registered Democrat on paper my entire life, I made the switch in my heart a long time ago, because on some things, there’s simply no compromise,” Lee said in a statement. “That’s why I voted for President Trump twice.”


Lee also touted his A+ rating from the National Rifle Association and his pro-life and pro-2nd Amendment values.

“I found a new place where I can put my allegiance to and help once again, forget about the last eight years, its about the next four years that predict the future,” Lee said on ‘Fox and Friends.’

The Nevada Democratic Party didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment Tuesday morning.

Lee was first elected mayor of North Las Vegas in 2013 and was reelected in 2017. His term ends in 2022. Lee also previously served on the Nevada Legislature.”



This article originally appeared on 100 Percent FED Up and was republished with permission.

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